Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Fresh jams.

Sunday, December 13, 2020
Klunker Project Part 1
Here is a clean and shiny hub. A little elbow grease and she polished right up. Probably gonna break it down and run everything through the parts washer in my Pop's shop. I have some cool custom stuff coming, so stay tuned.
Here's a little somethin' complete to look at. I'll get proper pics and build specs soon! And here's some Nuge cause this shit's a ripper!
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Ol' Trouble
A few months of solid go hard and abuse took its toll, this old Azonic dirt jump machine was taken out of commission for a broken spoke mid summer. The rear wheel is definitely the weak link with this build, so I'm not suprised at this point.
Healing a pulled muscle, along with a holiday vacation, and a weird world = turning wrenches and miniature painting. Replaced the spoke on the rear wheel, and trued both of them up. My current obsession with moto bars and bmx grips continues to make its way onto all my builds.
I've always wanted to do a red, purple, and white build, so parts from like 4 spare bikes that have kicked around for years have come together in a cosmic clusterfuck of go hard. I think she shall be known as the Royale from here out. Consequently I would like to build a new rear wheel with a purple Hope Trials hub, but stuff. Things. Is it worth it? Thats a lot of bread.
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You may recognize these from my faithful Trek 800 (RIP). |
Replaced bars with a spare set I had and flipped the stem.
Don't wease my juice buddy. That's my style. Fresh cables. Trek 800 died
so the Royale may be more rad. Old set of Paul levers. Classy. Yes, I have a spare purple ano stem laying around, but I didn't like the reach.
A prior version of the build. |
I am pretty certain this bike is the reason the cops around town try to discourage my riding in the local parks. Killed it! So Ive got that goin' for me. But seriously, I smashed this beast around town for months in the spring, and I'm still terrified at some of the lines I was hitting at that point.
I got these stickers in the mail the other day from S&M bikes. I've been eyeing them up for a while, and figured $15 for some stickers that could sell out at any time is worth it. One is on the 1x1, one is on the Lowside. The alien smoking a fattie is reserved for something special.Before we go, here's a current jam for you. Some New Wave of British Heavy Metal, gentlepeople? Unironically, I'd recommend it for fans of Spinal Tap. Which means I still can't take it seriously. But its fuckin' wicked. I guess Manowar and Saxon may be somewhat fair comparisons, but again, I can't take that shit seriously. Also, in one Reincarnate tune they describe flying high as an albatross. The majestic... albatross. The Brits are a strange bunch.
Friday, November 13, 2020
Bianchi: It's Italian for "Stooge"
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Mmm... look at that tire clearance. Sexy. |
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I live my life one trash build at a time. |
Overdose - Two Wheels and Gone
Also, here's some fresh jams. Highly recommended if you need rock and roll in your life. And who the fuck doesn't right now?
Thursday, November 12, 2020
You watch a vile force as they emerge from the depths...
December 2019 I Finished King Coprophal, Master of the Sludge Pits of Azgor. And lo, may we rejoice in the filth brought forth.
While originally the tentacles were supposed to be reminiscent of roots,
I think tacky aquariums and real live coral are manifesting as a big influence
on this. I imagine the background stones as the exoskeletal calcium part of the
coral, with the tentacles reaching out like the filter or
stinging arms. I would like to sculpt one or two tiny nudibranch style creatures to add life and visual interest down below.
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Also eyeballs and Cthulhu and feasting on festering faeces in the asylum of the deep dark abyss. Some assholes wrote a song about that shit one time. |
I'm real proud of his crab claw. 100% me, and definitely the coolest thing I've sculpted myself.
The base is a really nice burl plinth. Maple maybe? I bought it at an MFCA convention years ago and it's been lurking in my stash. Handmade in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It will be beautiful after the base is finished, painted, clear coated, and the masking is finally peeled off.
I need to figure out an idea for a little more elevation for the miniature. I've been working on carving bricks and other concrete shapes from slabs of cast plaster, and I am planning to move toward more complex carved plaster detail in future projects.. Also, a second depth dweller may appear at some point if I can work things together.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
The Dirtbag Steed
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A 1x1. I assure you, I will make all the words about it later. |
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And it was... well, not really good. I have been having a lot of teething problems. |
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Victim of a bitched landing. I liked these saddles. A clever bike dork may have noticed a significantly toasted version of this on that arrrrnge 1x1 up top. |
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Genogeist - S/T
Anyways, check out the label, it's run by a dude from Denver who worked at the record shop Wax Trax and fronted a little band called Speedwolf. They are most excellent, and you should listen to them. He has good taste and releases some cool shit.
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Top right is my mix-masher, an old Yamaha 4 track I use for mix tapes. |
Sunday, May 3, 2020
RT-era Leman Russ WIPs
This time back on the bench is a pretty rare Leman Russ mini. I picked up duder years ago, NOS in package with his wolves and backpack. Way stoked to dig into a piece of mint classic lead to make it unique. The axe is a conversion from an old reaper weapons pack, with a plastic wolf tail stuck on. Cork rocks, and a piece of plaster carved to look like a rune stone.
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A pretty solid idea of where I'd like go with the Russ banner. I must have been deep in a Despise You kick at this point. Just kidding. I'm always on a DxYx kick. |
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Klegg Dagrok - Post Apocalyptic Dirtbag

I got the idea for his pose from a book called "Street Bike Extreme," where dudes wearing Jncos do stoppies on rice rockets and point at the camera a lot. It was a good find for like $2 on the junk table at an auto parts swap meet. Minor conversions include a head swap from a Nercromunda Orlock, arm swap from a Mantic Deadzone Enforcer, a sculpted shoulder pad, skull, and belt.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Street Machine: '97 Trek 800
My ol' girl, a blue Trek 800 that I got new in 1997, is going through a complete rebuild right now. It was pulling teeth to get my parents to buy me a brand new "real" bike, rather than something from Toys R Us or Walmart. For sure they never expected over 20 years later I would still be riding it. She has been my daily driver, beer bike, errand runner, cruiser, and all around hot roddin' steed since well, I guess my early teenage years. I did my first substantial rebuild of her when I moved back from Colorado in 2012. There's at least 5,000 miles on her since then, but years of use and abuse, even with regular care and maintenance, destroys even the best parts.
A bike like this is like building a really sweet Pinto. Or painting really rad 80's-era miniatures. In my opinion, It's poishing a turd all the way around to the point of being pretty fucking cool. But then again, I like Pintos, and own a substantial stash of classic lead. But back to her style... I'd meet a lady out for a date on this, which is probably part of the reason I don't have a lady. When she told me "We're at different places in our lives," it would be wheelies, jumps, and shenanigans all the way home. I still have the receipt and owners manual, and it was supposed to be matte dark blue. I remember being really into the matte finishes Trek used in the 90's, and was bummed about the delivered color being different. At this point I'm so stoked, cause that shit would be dated as hell, and the glossy royal blue with red and yellow decals is sexy. Seriously, I'd paint aforementioned mythical Pinto, or an early '80s Fox-stang based off the colors on this bike, but that is for sure a rant for a completely seperate post.
A quick breakdown of the build where she sits:
Surly Sunrise bars with Cult/Vans gum grips. Grips were previously different sets of ODI/Vans, but at this point in my life I feel you lose some connection with locking grips, and I'm moving away from them. Paul Love Levers with matching Motolite brakes, and at some point years ago there was a different set of Paul levers.
Reissue 1" quill S&M Redneck stem in what else? Red. 1" quill BMX stems are always a part I cruise ebay, craiglist, and yard sale bikes for in case something interesting comes up. I borrowed a bike from a buddy years ago with a Redneck stem on it, and I remember him making a big deal about it. I had been debating if a red stem would work, and finding out S&M reissued them exactly when I was shopping for a high quality piece sold me. I was considering a Bassett BMX bottom load stem as well, which is a beautiful piece.
I'm impressed so far with the new set of Promax square taper cranks, but eventually I'd like to find some nice vintage polished crank arms. New Shimano bottom bracket. Surly 36t chainring. KMC chain, cause they are the only chains for BMX and singlespeeding.
Vintage Crupi Pro bear trap pedals. Other than some sweet stems, Bassett BMX also makes replacement cages for these and Hutch Pro pedals, and some beautiful looking classic BMX pedals of their own design.
Paul hubs with Sun Rhynolite XL rims. My buddy taught me how to lace wheels with these, so one of these is the first wheel I built. Maxxis skinwall DTH (Drop the Hammer) dirt jump tires. Freewheel is 16 tooth and probably an ACS crossfire.
Kalloy Uno seatpost with WTB Volt saddle. A Chromag Trailmaster LTD leather saddle is on order. Maybe I'll work on tracking down an anodized red seatpost in the future.
Below are also the pictures I dug out of excellent rides and good times in the past!
The Sugino cranks were wore out years ago, and one picture features a beautiful set of Caramba cranks that are now toast. I'm bummed on that one. Also, daaaang... looking back, she looked really good with those old school Ritchey tires and SDG saddle!
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Note the massive fucking hoagie, good for singlespeeding 30+ miles. |
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Studio pics and WIPs
Here's a shot of the cool shit lurking in that case. Most are difficult to find or rare kits and box sets. Take note of that Sony tape deck all ready for a 4-eye fox-body to blast Pantera and go fast in.
Here's a Rackham Mid-Nor King, with a converted crab claw arm I sculpted. I'm pretty much down to building a base for him now. I've been kicking around some ideas of evil puppets/miniature castles/cosmic horror type stuff inspired by some of the other miniatures in the line. There will be a tile floor being torn up by the tentacles on the top, and below I started on the puppet battlements.
This is a Privateer Press Dire Troll Mauler. I thought this was going to be a limited release when it came out, so I picked one up immediately. It's an expensive and hefty piece of pewter, requires a bunch of pins and putty work to assemble, and is totally worth it. There are a lot of hours in here so far, and I'm trying to keep my head up and stay motivated. Basing is still undecided.