Friday, January 15, 2021

WIP / the Current Case

Ahh... the depths of winter. Painting season. Bike parts are taking forever to arrive, and my build is starting to be a dick anyways.
The current case. Nothing earth shattering, you may have previously seen pictures of all these.

Working on a Privateer Press Dire Troll Mauler Extreme. I bought this almost 15 years ago, immediately when it came out. I was afraid it would be limited edition. You can still buy 'em, so they must have made a million by now! Beautiful sculpt. It is heavy as hell, all pewter, and I'm glad I assembled it back then. I can't remember, but that must have been a lot of work!


Skin was primarily done with the 3 colors on the left. The turquoise and magenta are mixed in with the base colors or used as a wash for some accent colors. They also mix together to form a rich purple to wash over the Vallejo Model Color Violet used for the base coat of the crystals, with magenta and ivory mixed up for highlights. The sculpt features a lot of texture already, and I have been trying to work in a lot more with fancy paintwork. Trying to up my striated muscle game, and trying to throw in some "party dots," as my boy T-dogg would say. It's gonna be a banger!

Listen to Bolt Thrower. Paint Warhams.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Klunker Project: Fun with Coaster Brakes

And a month after ordering parts, in my grubby mitts I finally possessed the spokes, nipples, and spoke washers I needed to kludge together my klunk wheel.

This is the first wheel I have assembled in a few years, and using junked together parts for wheel building is a new experience as well. Definitely some screw ups in here, but I'll ride it. The next one will be more better.


This picture shows the wheel mounted in the Schwinn frame with a nice view of the coaster brake cooler. This part was sourced from I've read reports of these legitimately helping reduce coaster brake fade and grease burnoff. Also, look at that thing. If you look close you may see the brass spoke washers which help with spoke angle.

I engraved the coaster brake arm. It will be transferred to a non-cooled rear wheel at some point. It was a lot of work, and unfortunately not very visible right now.

I've had a lot of parts jammed up in the nightmare of the mail right now. This entire build should be finished by now, but so it goes.

Recently I found Diamond Head - Borrowed Time album on a trip to the record store, and it ended up being the find of the day for $3 on cassette. Look at that cover. Beautiful. I'm gonna have to find the original gatefold LP. Originators of the tune "Am I Evil?" popularized by none other than Metallica, I would refer to anything else they have ever done as a "deep cut." Seriously, have you ever listened to anything other than that tune?