Over the past few years I've been into this killer Aussie hardcore band, Extortion. You'll probably find that people refer to them as power-violence, but I disagree with that sentiment. Sorry broseph, it isn't the 90's anymore. Sure, calling your band power-violence makes you sound tough, but its a dead scene. It isn't a thing anymore. Live in the now! Glad I got that outta my system. End crotchety old man rant.
I originally came across them when I snagged a reissue of the Extortion/Agents of Abhorrence split. I picked it up solely based on the artwork, and if you've never picked up an album based on the art, you're missing out. Look at that sleeve in the bottom right of the picture.
Speaking of artwork, all of Extortion's album art and merch is done by their vocalist, Rohan. Throw them some love and buy their shit. The links are at the end of this post. For you anal retentive collectors out there, Extortion does have a habit of doing their first pressings on colored vinyl, which very quickly reach ridiculous prices.
My (meager) collection. |
I'm not gonna lie, on that first 7" I picked up, I wasn't as impressed with Extortion as I was with Agents, but when I later came across Sick, I still picked it up.
Crank this shit up and stomp around your living room. I'm not gonna recommend any standout tracks, 'cause you should just listen to the full album. I also highly recommend their 10" ep,
Loose Screws. I feel crucial tracks are Regrets, Blindspot, and Grind to a Halt. I really haven't listened to Degenerate as much as I should, but here is the link anyways.
Do it.
Extortion at Discogs
Merch at Warlord Clothing
Merch at Big Cartel
Book of Faces